2014. szeptember 21., vasárnap

Oracle tools in the Enterprise Architecture world - part 2

Oracle tools in the Enterprise Architecture world - part 2

In April I have kept a presentation about the Oracle tools in the Enterprise Architect world on the Hungarian Oracle User Group (HOUG) conference in the database section. 

Topics of the presentation

  • Introduction of the Enterprise Architecture 
    • What is EA?
    • TOGAF
    • Oracle EAF
  • Oracle solutions
    • Oracle products in the Enterprise Continuum
    • OAEF data governance
    • Data as a Service place
    • Solution for system governance
The first post was talked about the introduction of the EA and TOGAF, OEAF frameworks . This post is the second one which is giving examples for categories of the Enterprise Continuum of TOGAF.  The third one will contain all remaining topices

2014. szeptember 14., vasárnap

Oracle tools in the Enterprise Architecture world - part 1

Oracle tools in the Enterprise Architecture world - part 1

In April I have kept a presentation about the Oracle tools in the Enterprise Architect world on the Hungarian Oracle User Group (HOUG) conference in the database section. 

Topics of the original presentation

  • Introduction of the Enterprise Architecture 
    • What is EA?
    • TOGAF
    • Oracle EAF
  • Oracle solutions
    • Oracle products in the Enterprise Continuum
    • OAEF data governance
    • Data as a Service place
    • Solution for system governance
Because of largeness of these topics I have splitted into three post. This blog post will talk about the introduction of the EA. The other two one will give some Oracle solution examples for some EA category. (part 2, part 3)

2014. szeptember 1., hétfő

Useful strategy documents that help in going live

Useful strategy documents - part 4.

Finally I have reached my latest post in the useful strategy document series.
Now I would like to talk about the
  • going live procedures
  • handover/takeover criterias
  • acceptance/goal criterias
Why are they so important? Because they could be the most important documents near the going live milestone. It's very important for both side, for the solution provider as well as for the customer too.
Usually what happens on a project? At the first phase of a project lots of people sit together to plan the whole project, the resources, the timeline, the milestones etc. Once the project team decide when will be the Going Live Date (GLD) then ones modify again the whole project plan to ensure that all design, all implementation, all develop, all test step will be finished until that point. So we plan everything but we usually create plan only from one viewpoint, from the first step viewpoint. What I mention is to create new viewpoints and create plans for these viewpoint then merge all plans into the final project plan.

What are these viewpoints?
  • What steps should be done near GLD, how will the project's outcome go into production?
  • How will done the takeover, when the solution providers team member give all maintance responsibilites to the customer team members. 
  • Who and how will accepted the outcome.
So let's go through them

2014. június 13., péntek

Useful project's strategy documents - Test strategy

Useful strategy documents - part 3.

Next project's strategy document is test strategy. 

"It depends on" Have you ever heard it? Of course yes. The content of a test strategy document is one best example for this type of answer sentence. Why I am saying it? Think on it a little bit. You could be one of the best test manager, tester, testing software user, your are doing the best job during software testing and your project could'nt be a success story if your project hasn't got this informations well defined and approved(!) by the customer:

  • Project scope
  • Acceptance/goal criterias
  • System requirements
  • High level use cases
  • Architectures (hardware/software or business/data/application/technology)

Why are they important for us? Because they are the elementary input information for a succesful testing. If you are lucky and your customer or your company already implemented one of the architecture frameworks (TOGAF, Zachman etc) and reached the planning step (for example in TOGAF the F. Migration Planning step) than they are already well documented and accesible before your implementation project started. If not it doesn't mean that they are not available, hopefully your project team already realized they necessarity and created them during the project's progress.

So first let's go through them, then I will try to mention a skeleten for the test strategy document.

2013. december 17., kedd

Useful strategy documents - interface strategy

Useful strategy documents - part 2.

So, continue the previous post with the interface strategy document.

What are the useally questions, desires, sentences at the end of a projects if you haven't create an interface strategy document at an early phase of the project? Some example:
  1. "What type of new data source?"
  2. "You have never said that these data should be transfer to there"
  3. "It is impossible to deliver these data type to there, we haven't developed interface client for that type of data store"
  4. "Good, so we have finished testing the y data type, let's go to test xz data type. What do you mean that is impossible? It's wasn't developed? But I have tell you already 2 months ago at a lunch about this data type."
Et cetera, et cetera. I know you will have other good examples from you previous projects, just think back a little.

Interface strategy

The interface strategy document is quite similar as a migration strategy document, of course it has to concentrate on interface not on migration :) But it's structure, it's main purposes is very-very similar. Think a bit on this question: What a difference a data migration process and a one way once executed data interface process? The answer is usually nothing or not so many. So you will find below many-many sentences that I have copied from my prevous post with a small modification.

The interface strategy document is intended to provide a road map for performing the interface development between of old legacy systems and the new system(s).  It should define the scope and objectives, the critical success factors and risks associated with the data transportation, transformation and data loads to support the solution. Of course it should describe the data conversion and interface requirements of the business too.

This document should be the first product of the interface team of a project. Never let them to wait until the main common requirements collection or system design document creation has finished, it should make parallely with this documents.

Who are the targets of this document?
  1. The project leaders who should accept the strategy and build it's results into the project 's plan. The managers use this document to understand how the interface team plans to perform the interface development, and how the creation of interfaces may impact the overall project. So they could determine what other project groups are concerned.
  2. The members of the interface team.
What is the mentioned minimal contents of a interface strategy documents?
  • Logical diagram of the whole interface architecture and processes
  • Data stores
    • source systems
    • target systems
    • intermediate, temporary stores (for example intermediate data conversion, special stage areas)
  • Lists of common data types per data modules as
    • General ledges
    • Inventory
    • HR
    • etc.
  • Strategy plans for 
    • Data extraction 
    • Data loads
    • Processing of transported data
    • Data transportation method
    • Data conversion - if needable
    • Error and exception handling
    • Testing
    • Quality check
  • Plans for the technical solution
    • Data transportation technical tool(s)
      • Custom developed and/or
      • 3rd party data integration tools, frameworks
    • Technical suggestions for data moving, for example
      • Flat files
      • Database tables
  • Planned project resources
    • Interface team origanization
    • Software and hardware requirements
    • Project standards
  • Risks
  • Interface acceptance criterias
    • Exact requirements for acceptance
    • Metrics for acceptance
    • Minimal values for the metrics
Let's into the details

Logical diagrams of the whole interface, integration architecture and processes

There should be a diagram that show the whole final integration architecture, containing all participants: data stores, integration programs, frameworks and any other stakeholders

The same or another should show all interface transportation processes from a high level viewpoint. I mean it should represent how will the live interface system will transfer data how will it work after the going live date.

Of course allways put a short description after the diagram, to represent all objects, steps that the diagram contain.

This part of the document should be made first and finalize last. The first version of the diagram should give a very high level plan for the interface team to begin their work and the finalized version should summarize all changes what has made in plans and all information that has collected in other parts of this document.

Data stores

Commonly an invidual interface process has got source and a target data stores but sometimes there are intermediate data stores too. What should you put about them into a strategy level document? Of course not the technical details, so what?

First collect all datastores. Sources and targets too. How many times did you find in such a situation when the project's interface teams think that they are ready with the interface development, all data interface process has been created, developed, tested and checked in the new intergration architecture and somebody at the customer side suddenly ask a surprising question: "Ok that's right, but what about the ... system's data?".  If you fulfil well this part of the document you could minimize the possible occurence this kind of situtations. Of course it could not guarantee that it would not happened, but how different situation if you could say "Ok I understand that it's required, but it wasn't specify/enumerate in the interface strategy document what you have accepted earlier."

As at migration never forget to enumerate all target datastores when you create the interface strategy document. It is still true here what I have wrote there: 
Usually the solution provider's expert are extremly sure that they know well the target system, but are you sure? It isn't a wasted time if you spend some hours on collection of them. I promise you will head pin with you hand at least once "How good that I have not forget now, what could be wrong if I think on it only near end of the migration process"
Last but not least datastore are the intermediate data stores. These ones what you usually couldn't identify at first version of the diagram, these one comes out when the interface team made decisions on data extractions, data transformations and data load procedures.

Common data types

When you have collect the source and target data sources it is time to identify the to be interfaced common data types, groups in these data stores. Just put them into a list with a sort description. This table will very useful at design phase, for example every row could give the base of an interface xml file.

Strategy plans

As you have seen above strategy plans includes plans for
  • Data extraction
  • Data load
  • Processing of transported data
  • Data transportation method
  • Data conversion - if needable
  • Data quality check
  • Error and exception handling
  • Testing
Why they are important? I hope most of them speaks for themself.
Commonly every plan should include who, how and when will do the actual step. The strategy plans chapter should declare what kind of steps are factually necessary. Usally only the conversion step and the processing of transported data step is a choiceable step but it allways depends on the actual project goals.

Data conversion step means for me all data modification, converting and cleansing requirement. For example when target data store could accept the data if two extracted data concatenated, or on the extracted data has to run special algoritmic function to calculate the imporable data and so.

Don't forget to give enough emphasis on data quality checking. I don't mean to check for syntactic error I mean to check that the imported data are enough good for the target database lookups. Is it contain the right lookup codes, is use the common data dictionary, or not. Etc.

By the way never forget to think on that the new integration architecture need a common data dictionary or not, should it have an extra task for synchronising the data dictionary between the systems or not. Which master data where will be stored, which sytem are the source of a master data.

Allways put some thoughts about testing of interfaces into the document. Will the interface test made by hand? Could the interface team use any test tool for automating the interface testing? Will all interface development finished at the same time or the source and target interface code will be finished at different time so between these to date the interface team should simulate one of the interface to test the other part of an interface process.

Don't forget! Don't go into low level details. This document should make as fast as can, you will have time at migration design phase to extract the details, so just put here only the common, has to be decided, approved high level plan description.

Plans for the technical solution

It's time to go into some technical details, of course severely staying in high level too.
What you have to decide? These examples are very similar as at migration and it isn't an incidental. Think on it, migrating data is a special type of an interface process, it could use the same architecture as the integration, the only difference that it will runned only once (on most cases :) )
  • What kind of technics do you want to use for extraction, for loading data.
  • How do you want to implement the data conversion. Will you store the extracted data in an intermediate database, file. Will you have to develop a conversion tool?
  • Is human resources needable for running an interface process or we could use algorithms for all integration steps.
  • Do have the customer any data integration tool (Oracle Data Integrator, Talend etc.)
  • Who will maintain the live integration architecture.
  • How would technically documented the interface processes (for example where and how will the log data generated)

Planned project resources

The strategy documents has to contain information for what and how many resources want the interface team to use during the interface development.

Some of them already accepted in the project's foundation documents but it's good to repeat them here. So what I think is necessary here? These ones:

  • Interface/integration team origanization. If you don't do it earlier then name all member of the team. (customer and supplier side too). Gave the exact details responsibility of each member of this team. Who will be the leader, who has to make decisions, who will be participate in the design, in the development, in testing, in quality check, in live migration.
  • Software and hardware requirements. As much as possible at this level specify what kind of softwares and hardwares want to use the team during until going live date and after it.
  • Project standards. Specify what kind of standard has to keep the team during the design and development, such as version control, code standards, naming convetions etc.


It's what is means. Try to collect any risks that could influence the planned interface process., integration architecture.  Anything that could break it, slow it and so on.

Integration acceptance criterias

This is the hardest to part of the document. Usually the customer does not know how will they accept that the interface processes running well, the integration architecture is acceptable for running the live processes. They have got many requirements, many idea about the integration and usually they want to answer for questions that directed on acceptance. Try to not stop here, collect as much information as you could!

Some food for thought sentence

  • Try to collect the exact requirements for acceptance of the integration.
  • Try to indentify the metrics for acceptance. Which one is harder, a real acceptance metric, which one is just a to be measured metric.
  • Try to set minimal values for the metrics, what values is acceptable by the client - which means what has to reach during the live migration.


I hope I could well summarized what does a interface strategy means for me. I hope too that it will helpful for you and you could use them at your project too.

At next post I will talk about the testing strategy document.

2013. november 29., péntek

Useful strategy documents has to made at early phases of an IT project

Useful strategy documents

Do you find yourself in such situation, that you feel at the end phase of your project: "It would have good if we found the solution earlier" , "would have gone much more smoothly", don't you?

With many IT projects behind my back I think I could summarize what kind of documents are very useful if they have made at early phases of a project. Usually these documents are that ones what project members "hate" to create or like to laze them. But I have to say it's quite wrong practice.

What are these document types?

  • migration strategy
  • interface strategy
  • testing strategy
  • going live procedure
  • handover/takeover criterias
  • acceptance/goal criterias
At this post I will extract my thoughts about the migration strategy.

2013. október 25., péntek

Let's begin


I am working in architect positions for many years here at Hungary. With 2 quite enough big ERP implementation projects and much more smaller non ERP projects behind my back I feel I could summarize my experiences in how useful to use any arhictecture pricinpals, frameworks during a project life cycle.

What I am thinking on it? If I think back what type of methods, methodologies would have faciliated my job, my work in these projects, or what type of used methods was really useful it shows a very mixed picture in my mind.
Some of used ones wasn't seem to be useful at the project's begin, but was very-very useful at later of the lifecycle, some of not used methods would have been very useful at the end of the lifecycle (usually at go live date).

After the end of my latest big ERP projects now I have time to check my knowledge. One "check tool" will be this blog - through my commenters - other "check tool" are that I have begun to certify my knowledge (get architect certification from the Open Group - at least level 2) and to put my architect knowledge into complete framework (take a TOGAF exam).

Until I reach my 2 big goal, please read these blog's post and help me in the checking :)
